Mother's Day Necklace

Wow. Can anything make us feel better than getting great results from heads-down, finger-to-the-bone work? Ok, yes. When that work can really help to make a difference in people's lives, we feel pretty great! For the last couple of months we've been working with our friend Tracy Appleton on a very special project, and we're finally ready to show off the results.
The Buddha Love Project is beginning it's life as a series of necklaces - in either silver or gold - set with the birthstone of your choosing. Proceeds from the sale of these necklaces will go to the Cancer Patient Support emergency eund. You can find out more about this wonderful organization by heading over to their website.
Yep, that does it. We feel fantastic about this project. We hope you do, too. Head over to the Buddha Love page on our website and snap up a nugget of compassion for yourself. You'll feel great too!